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Shop Talk

Gluttons & Drunkards latest gossip, pop-ups and events.


Filtering by Tag: Night Market

Sunday at the Night Market.

Dave Drinkwalter

The night market on Sunday, November 11, 4–9pm.
a trifecta Debut!

Well… The Night Market in St. John’s was a blast! It was great to meet new folks, talk food and drink, take turns providing the soundtrack for the event, and hang out with some local artisans!

We brought along our usual hats and tops, but we debuted three new things… 1) Our new ladies ‘Little Black Tee’ with our OG script. It features ultra soft semi-fitted cotton, with a touch of stretch. 2) Our New Era, 9-Fifty hats with our OG Script in raised embroidery! 3) Our campfire crewneck sweatshirts with our signature script.

A big thank you to everyone who stopped by the booth to say hello and a big shout out to Scout and Saucy Mouth for putting on this shin-dig. For more information on upcoming Night Markets cruise on over to Scout General Store.


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