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Shop Talk

Gluttons & Drunkards latest gossip, pop-ups and events.


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Roots, Rants and Roars.

Dave Drinkwalter

Roots, Rants and Roars was ridiculous! We drove out to Elliston, NL with a couple stops along the way… The Boreal Diner being one of them!

Sidenote: if you haven’t been to The Boreal Diner in Bonavista, then you need to stop in! We stopped for coffee and picked up some pie! Both were fantastic! Truth be told, we went back later and bought the ENTIRE PIE! Here’s a pic of Jon enjoying some pie before the festival!

Jon Outside Boreal.jpg

Back to Roots, Rants and Roars! We had a chance to meet great people, swap stories of food and drink and hang out with local artisans. If you are looking for an event with fantastic food, great music, and an opportunity to hang out with local chefs and fellow foodies… This is it!

We can’t wait till next year! Hope that you can join us!

Dave (left) and Unknown (right) meet up at Roots, Rants, and Roars.

Dave (left) and Unknown (right) meet up at Roots, Rants, and Roars.

The Gluttons & Drunkards Crew: John, Joel and Dave.

The Gluttons & Drunkards Crew: John, Joel and Dave.